#infp struggles
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introvert-moments · 3 months ago
Introvert Moment #124
The euphoria of seeing there are no plans on your calendar for an entire day. You get to spend time as a hermit and nothing can get in your way
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introvertlifestyle · 2 years ago
Brainstorming in a meeting. Introvert: *suggests something* No one reacts. Extrovert: *suggests ten minutes later exactly the same thing as the introvert* Everyone agrees and says that it's a great idea!!!!
Every. Fucking. Time.
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elaho · 1 year ago
_________Stardew Valley MBTI_________ -----Elliott as an ISFP-----
[+Elliott Immersive Wedding Mod v 3.0 Sneak Peak!]
INFPs and ISFPs are deeply passionate, caring, creative people with a profound capacity for emotional depth and understanding (thanks to their dominant cognitive function - "Introverted Feeling" or "Fi"). However, they are largely misunderstood (even within the MBTI community) and are often unfairly perceived as or presumed to be 'weak', 'fragile', 'crybabies' or 'unmasculine' by others.
Both INFP/ISFP men and women tend to experience a lot of trauma because of their personality type; however, men with dominant Fi seem to experience a lot more direct abuse for trying to express themselves authentically -- and their tenderness, sensitivity, interests, and/or passions get perceived as weakness, brokenness, or an inherent indication of their sexual identity (whether straight or LGBTQ+).
As an INFP myself, it's beyond heartbreaking to see my INFP and ISFP brothers struggle so much with their self-expression and self-actualization just because they were born boys in a world with messed-up ideals; I often wonder how much more everyone would benefit if men were allowed to fully express themselves and their emotions without fear of judgment or ostracization from others, regardless of type.
And thinking about Elliott in Stardew Valley and his personality as an ISFP, I wanted to explore more of his past experiences and unique struggles as an ISFP man in my next mod update:
Mod Update Preview! [Mild Spoilers!]
In version 3.0 (coming soon!) Elliott will open up even more to the farmer about his life, not only about his painful childhood memories but also about how his Fi resilience helped him find the support he needed growing up; having even just one person who truly understood who he was helped him build the confidence to express himself freely without fear of shame or judgment.
We'll also see Elliott admit that his relationship with the farmer has convinced him that the unconditional love and acceptance he once received in the past can continue to flourish with his new family and friends in the present if he allows it to.
Mod Download Page [Free]: Elliott Immersive Wedding
A song I always think of when I get lost in the Fi feels: "How a Man Dies" by FRENSHIP
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mbtimes · 1 year ago
These are things I am pretty sure every INFP struggles with
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journal-rasa · 1 year ago
Finding Myself #1
INFP 5w4
2 tipe kepribadian yang cukup kontradiktif. Antara MBTI INFP yang perasa. Dan enneagram tipe 5 yang cenderung pemikir. 😪
Mayoritas orang INFP ada di enneagram 4w5, lah ini malah kebalikannya 😪
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rainyyz · 2 years ago
I did an experiment of one year difference about my personality.
One year ago I was:
Turbulent Mediator
7% extroverted - 93% introverted
76% intuitive - 24% observant
44% thinking - 56% feeling
49% judging - 51% prospecting
19% assertive - 81% turbulent
Today I did the personality test again and I am:
7% extroverted - 93% introverted
43% intuitive - 57% observant
55% thinking - 45% feeling
43% judging - 57% prospecting
7% assertive - 93% turbulent
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puer-luna · 2 years ago
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tired of it
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rosesareredandimsad · 2 years ago
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thecaseofunreason · 2 years ago
Who are INFPs
INFPs are introspective people who care deeply about their values and the people they love. They often have a strong sense of idealism and are driven by their principles. INFPs are creative, caring, and compassionate people who strive for harmony in their lives and in the world around them. They usually appear reserved and quiet, but deep in their hearts, there are often intense highs and lows. This is because they have a rich inner life that is filled with imagination and inspiration. They care deeply about the people and things they care about, so any change in their interpersonal or romantic relationships causes strong ripples in their inner lives. Most INFPs strive to find meaning in their lives, even if it takes some detours before they finally find their calling.
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INFPs are often praised for their creativity, authenticity, and idealism. However, these same qualities can also lead to some struggles for INFPs. They may feel that their values and beliefs don’t line up with those of most other people, leading to a sense of isolation. They often want to do things in their own unique way, which can be challenging in a world that often favours conformity. Another challenge is that INFPs can be indecisive and perfectionistic. This is especially the case if all their lives they have been criticised by others for being ’slow’, or ‘unrealistic’. INFPs do not usually like to take linear, conventional life paths.
When it comes to their careers, working for a sense of purpose and a congruent mission is extremely important to them, usually much more important than money or fame. INFPs can have a hard time doing tasks that do not interest them or that do not fit their personal values. At the same time, they may be judged by others as not serious enough or unable to concentrate. Many consider the dreamy nature of INFPs to be “scatter-brained.” Yet, under the surface, INFPs care deeply about what they do.  They take their tasks seriously, sometimes to a fault. INFPs are ultimately not ‘chaotic’ and can be very good at finding answers from systems and inspirations, but in their search for answers, they adopt an expansive thinking style and like to gather as much information and inspiration as possible before committing to a direction. When they are searching, other people, especially those more accustomed to a linear thinking style, may portray INFPs as chaotic, slow, and unrealistic and lose patience with them. Therefore, it is important that INFPs can find people who appreciate their unique perspective and give them space to slowly explore and refine their thinking. When it comes to the workplace, if INFPs can find a leader who understands their need to be a little “messy” in their creative process and search for answers, they will absolutely thrive.
Socially, INFPs can come across as shy. This can make it difficult for them to get out there and share their ideas or connect with others. INFPs are deep thinkers. They believe that there is more to the world than what is seen on the surface. They are constantly exploring their inner thoughts and feelings and looking for ways to improve themselves. This means they have the ability to focus an extensive amount of time on a creative project, but it can also lead to them feeling isolated from others.
INFPs are more likely to be ‘pure’ artists than INFJs. They have the ability to wander in an imaginary world for hours and even days without needing to make something concrete, this means the outcome they produce, when they get around to producing it, can be more vast and imaginative. They may not be as ready in making change as INFJs, but they are the poets, artists and writers who bring beauty and meaning to the world around them.
They may also be reluctant to enter into close relationships for fear of being hurt again. When avoidance of social contact is combined with their rich imagination and tendency to focus excessively on the inner world, they may disconnect from reality in dysfunctional ways.
INFPs may also experience blockages in their ability to be creative and imaginative. Even if they have something inside them that they would like to bring out – a book, a song, a piece of art – they have difficulty feeling inspired enough to do anything. This creative frustration can cause an INFP to feel extremely stuck in life, to the point of emptiness and self-destruction.
INFP individuals often feel misunderstood and even labelled as “crazy” by those around them. This is because INFPs process their thoughts and feelings internally, which can make them seem erratic or irrational to those who do not understand them. INFPs do not usually like to take linear, conventional life paths. And they may have to make a few detours before they can settle on something that feels true to their soul.
INFPs are not ‘strange’ or ‘disconnected’. They are creative and imaginative individuals who need time alone to reflect and process their feelings.
INFP account for just five percent .
Eggshell Therapy and Coaching
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twilby · 2 years ago
Когда через мемы на пинтересте понял про свой тип личности больше, чем из описания на сайте.
Кст, я посредник INFP-T.
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ohihopeicanchangethislater · 10 months ago
Something something Optimistic Nihilism, Waymond Wang, INFP Personality type, something something it's okay to try to be happy even in a cruel world, but it's also okay if you can't be happy all the time.
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project25 · 2 years ago
I’ve been currently trying to lose weight and get fit and so far the losing weight part seems to be working. I am trying to include some exercise this week (probably walking because I want to build up to be able to run for 30 Minutes) the next step is lifting exercises but I am trying the running one first.
Also I am trying to take better care of myself (cleaning my apartment, skincare, etc.) but it’s so difficult to build a routine especially as a depressed INFP
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halcyon-daydreams · 2 years ago
I hate it when people try to tell me I’m not an introvert because I enjoy socializing and engaging in social situations with my close and trusted friends.
I love my chosen family and spending time with them but I also feel really invigorated and energized by being in my comfort zone with a good show on or some of my favorite music while I create things or read by myself.
I’ve literally lost friends because I don’t want to go out every night because I genuinely cannot do that BECAUSE I AM AN INTROVERT. Please stop telling people about themselves and their own personality just because of what you see on the outside which isn’t even 50% of a person.
Introversion and isolation are not the same thing.
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princessmacabre · 2 years ago
I am an INFP and I read all four books listed. funny.
Classic Literature Based on your MBTI! Part One
These are my own suggestions based on what I know about each type. Feel free to add more suggestions! Click here for Part Two.
ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller
Moby Dick - Herman Melville  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne Frankenstein - Mary Shelley Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ISTP - The Mechanic
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell The call of Cthulhu - H.P. Lovecraft Brave New World - Aldous Huxley The Time Machine – H.G. Wells
ISFJ - The Nurturer
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Mill on the Floss – George Eliot
ISFP - The Artist
The Three Muskateers - Alexandre Dumas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
INFJ - The Protector
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien Life of Pi - Yann Martel Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
INFP - The Idealist
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury Persuasion - Jane Austen Tess of the d’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
INTJ - The Scientist
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle The Dunwich Horror - H.P. Lovecraft Catch-22 – Joseph Heller
INTP - The Thinker
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Animal Farm - George Orwell And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
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introvertlifestyle · 2 years ago
I owe everything that I have done to the fact that I am very much at ease being alone.
Marilynne Robinson (American writer, *1943)
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mariposas8494 · 1 year ago
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My ADHD going bananas 🍌
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